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Asstown: Episode 1


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Welcome to Asstown

What is Asstown? What is Animal Crossing, and what makes it so special? Six mayors share their experiences with David, the Mayor of Asstown. Then we open Ed’s time capsule and visit the lost town of Big Tuna.

Ed’s Town Pass Card

Player name: Sailor

Town: Big Tuna  

Dream Address: 7F00-00DC-C218

Bio: “IT drone from Sector 7G. Check out my bands Ex People and Tough Choices, and see some of the miniatures I have painted on Instagram.”

Bonus bits

Have you ever seen the North American adverts for Animal Crossing on the GameCube? These didn’t make it into the podcast, but they’re worth a watch because they’re very... odd:

Listener mail

What are your strongest memories of Animal Crossing? What makes the game special to you? Share your responses here. If you have any strong opinions about the villagers and characters of Animal Crossing, please send them to us and we may include them in Episode Two.

Contact Asstown

Send us your letters for the mailbag here! Keep 'em snappy!

Thanks! Message sent.

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