Asstown: Episode 2
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Everybody Loves Barold
Is this the hour-long podcast dedicated to 100% Barold news, analysis and opinion you've been looking for? Not this time I'm afraid: we also talk about other Animal Crossing characters and villagers, pay a visit to Chuk Chuk, and open the listener mailbag.
Kristyna's Town Pass Card
Player name: Pomble
Town: Chuk Chuk
Dream Address: 6C00-0019-BFC2
Bio: “I make comics and illustrations, and I'm also a mammal that puts on clothes and talks."
Bonus bits
Kristyna loves Barold so much that she sent us this amazing tribute! We were so impressed, we made it the episode art too. If you like it, check out her more of her work over at her website!
Maybe you knew Isabelle’s English name reflects the fact that her head resembles a big bag of bells - but did you know her name in other languages? Check out the other localisations on the Animal Crossing Wiki.
Incriminating evidence, or a simple misunderstanding? View the shocking images for yourself.
We asked for your strong opinions about the villagers and characters of Animal Crossing. We love reading your letters and featured some in Episode 2, but we didn't have enough time to include them all. So here they are for you to read at your leisure!
Use the arrow button either side to scroll through the letters:
Listener mail
If there's a character or villager you'd like to tell us about, it's not too late! Just add it as a comment on this page:
Next episode...
In the next episode will consider the mysteries of Animal Crossing. What rumours have you heard but never verified? What weird tricks did you read about on a forum? Send us your theories and queries.